Are you looking into home window tinting for your San Diego property? Perhaps you’re fed up with high utility costs. Or maybe you’re trying to go green and reduce your carbon footprint. Maybe a friend or neighbor told you about their security window film and how much peace of mind it gives them. Either way, you’re interested in learning more, but you have questions.

Fear not! We’ve got you covered. Below, we’ve shared answers to some of the top window film FAQs asked by our customers.


Home Window Tinting – Frequently Asked Questions

Home window tinting is becoming extremely popular in this day and age. Homeowners are eager to take advantage of any kind of technology that can enhance their lifestyle and make their home more comfortable. Furthermore, because of climate change and natural resource depletion, eco-friendly solutions are now all the rage.

Indeed, window films have their benefits. But what does the process involve? How much does it cost? And, what kind of results can you expect? Here’s what you need to know:


Q: How much does window film cost in San Diego?

A: The cost of window film depends on the total square footage of the glass being retrofitted. You can measure your windows, calculate the square footage of each, then add them all together to get an idea of how much window film you’ll need. Our spectrally selective films are very affordable and start at just $9 per square foot.


Q: What is the average ROI?

A: The average ROI in residential settings is 3-5 years. Annual savings can total as much as 30%.


Q: What type of window film is best for my home?

A: That all depends on what your goals are! Are you looking for more security, privacy, or energy efficiency? Or are you simply looking for something aesthetic? We recommend scheduling a consultation so you can explore all your options!


Q: How long does it take to install?

A: Most installs can be completed in a single day. However, it may take several days or weeks for the film to fully dry and cure. We recommend not disturbing or cleaning your window film for at least 30 days.


Q: Will it make my windows dark?

A: No, it will not. In fact, you can even opt to have clear window film installed on your home! Even if you choose a tinted film, it’s unlikely that you will notice a difference in the brightness of your interior.


Have More Questions?

Call our office to speak to an expert about home window tinting in San Diego.