Most people know window film is a way to stop excessive sunlight and reduce energy bills in commercial locations. However, these films also have lesser-known applications in business settings that make them an excellent investment. Below, we have listed some films that could improve your San Diego working environment.

Casper Cloaking Film for Data Privacy in San Diego

Casper Cloaking Films is a clear film that can be applied to nearly any glass surface. Once on the glass, it blacks out LED and LCD screens. To those walking by, screens will look like black boxes, and they won’t show any of the information on them. This makes Casper Cloaking Film an excellent solution for protecting data privacy for screens in departments like Human Resources or Accounting. It is also a great addition to conference rooms with glass walls. In this setting, it prevents strategic or sensitive information from being seen by those passing by.

Whiteboard Film for Modular Communication in San Diego

3M™ Whiteboard Films turn any flat smooth surfaces into a dry-erase board. It allows commercial locations of all types to customize where they convey information. From locations from schools to corporate conference rooms, this type of film makes whiteboard technology more affordable. It also saves space since it is applied to walls. Finally, it can be easily changed out once it is worn out.

Birdstrike Film for Saving San Diego Birds

Birds are not able to distinguish the reflection on windows from the open sky. This is why they accidentally fly into windows. Bird strikes like these cause billions of bird deaths a year and are reducing some bird populations to near extinction. Fritted film is a way to stop these collisions. It is a type of window film that has small patterns in lines or dots embedded into it. Birds see the pattern and avoid flying into the window. Not only does this save the life of the bird, but a lot of money in window repairs for buildings that are frequently struck by birds. 

As San Diego’s top window film contractor, we carry all of these films and are happy to come out to your location to discuss them with you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our experts.