Nothing lasts forever. But you still don’t want your furniture and flooring to wear out faster than it should. Protecting your home from UV rays is key for preventing fading. UV blocking window film allows San Diego homeowners to preserve the vibrancy and beauty of their interior without reducing natural light.

Below, we’ve discussed how this technology works and some of its benefits.


The Science Behind Window Film & How It Prevents Fading

Before we discuss how UV blocking window film works, it’s important to know what causes fading in the first place. Fading is the result of a scientific process called “photodegradation.” Photodegradation can be described as the breakdown of materials as a result of exposure to light. When dyes in fabrics, wood, and paint are exposed to UV light, they start to degrade. Over a period of time, the colors become non-existent, resulting in a bleached appearance.

So in order to prevent fading, you need to protect your interior from UV light. That’s where UV blocking window film for your San Diego home can help. Window film uses spectrally selective technology to identify and reject UV radiation. Upon contact with the film, UV light is reflected away from the glass, preventing it from getting into your home. In this way, it preserves the lifespan and beauty of artwork, furniture, and flooring.


UV Blocking Window Film Benefits for San Diego Homes

In addition to preventing fading in your home, UV blocking window films can also…

  • Save you money since you won’t have to replace furniture as quickly
  • Protect your health and reduce the risk of skin and eye disease
  • Dampen glare in your home caused by intense light
  • Reduce heat gain and make your home more comfortable
  • Create a more welcoming atmosphere by softening harsh light

For more details on the benefits, check out this brochure: uv-blocking-window-film-san-diego


Get the Fade Protection Your Home Needs

Call our office today to get a quote on UV blocking window film in San Diego!