San Diego is definitely a tourist spot with numerous public buildings that hold events for locals and visitors. With so many larger public buildings with the capability of holding thousands of people at any given time, it is pertinent to find preventative solutions that can reduce risk of injury and death. While security systems and cameras can definitely be helpful for these situations, having other safety measures in place when they fail is vital. Bomb blast and ballistic resistant window film offer the exact defense that these properties require.

Advantages of Bomb Blast and Ballistic Resistant Window Film for Your San Diego Public Property

Bomb blast and ballistic resistant window film are both specialty security films engineered for commercial properties. For those seeking resistance against both explosions and gunfire, ballistic resistant window film is the option for you. This innovative product mitigates broken glass hazards during high impact events that include break-ins, burglaries, natural disasters, freak accidents, gunfire, and explosions. Bomb blast window film is a more affordable option that offers similar protection as ballistic resistant security film but doesn’t have resistance against gunfire. Both options are great for reducing serious injury and blast-related deaths. Public buildings can take advantage of these invisible, passive security systems that defend the most vulnerable ares of any property.

Security Assessment for Specialty Security Window Film in San Diego Public Properties

San Diego Window Film is happy to help by providing free on-site consultations for your public building. If you’re uncertain about which security film you should invest in, our security assessment can help determine cost-benefit analysis as well as strategic installations. Our security assessment can also find the most vulnerable areas of your property in order to find ways to maximize your budget.

For more information regarding specialty security window film for your San Diego public property, please contact us!